
31 years experience in PLC SCADA projects


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CE certified Pump panels

CE certified Pump Panels

we are manufacturing & exporting CE certified VFD operated panels .International European customers use them with confidence in varied applications. they are certified as per the CE guidelines .Made for underground submersible pump control ,car washing , ship applications meeting all safety needs of the users and the applications .

objective is delivering Constant pressure ,not letting the pump dry. . PID controlled pump panels achieve accurate Pressure control with in 1% of set values. We can monitor & display the field pressure and pump motor RPM on HMI . User interface of HMI Design & programming Automations devices like plc hmi, vfd is done by our team . Our employees do the panel assembly and wiring . all our clients be domestic or international get CE compliance .

CE certified Panels

VFD controlled

Direct on Line Controlled

High Pressure Pumps

The pumps are the crucial for many simple looking applications like car washing or for many critical applications of the process plants where the raw material to the chemical plants is fed 24 X 7 for six months. Many of these applications affect the process directly and many of them affect the process indirectly like by extending the life of all hardware devices .When the motors operate to deliver constant pressure there are many benefits like energy conservations being one of them other being reduced breakdowns

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