IOT (Internet of Things)
IOT , INDUSTRY 4.0 Technologies can monitor plant health & plant efficiency

How compressors and boilers can benefit using IOT ?
in a typical plant all equipments like compressors,boilers or gensets are running in utility section but concurrently with the plant operations ,mostly plant managment is concerned to monitor the plant production which amounts to the billing of the plant and revenue collection .
However lots of resources are being wasted or overspent due to equipment running below their peak performance .many equipments tend to have certain degradition in their performance due to ongoing scaling, filter choking ,less lubrication etc .
Many of the Plant motors like of paint booth ,compressors tend to have increased or reduced current on account of several issues like bearing problems ,Misalignment ,lot of air pressure is dropping due to unnecessary bents in the pipeline. Such issues can be taken care when all these equipments are part of the condition based maintenance planning by implementing IOT ,taking the health and performance data of these devices to the maintenance server and monitoring it 24 X 7 for the KPI.
What is IOT ? (Internet of Things)
In simple laymens language its when intellegent devices can transfer the data to other devices or to the Cloud through a common wired or wireless network
what are the components of IOT
- Smart Device
- Network
- IOT software
- User Interface
Example Of IOT
Smart city operations where in city infrastructure data is accesible for their operational performance using wide area network and data is presented over cloud in an customized software interface suitable to the authorities.
Advantages of IOT

Data from different sources can be combined and many processes can be analyzed for process improvements etc
Edge computing component for IOT & Industry 4.0

A very verstaile & latest for factory automation needs be it a simple sequence control or Servo motor control using motion module or communicating with energy meter using Modbus protocol or SCADA connection using ethernet port
user interface software xarrow SCADA for cloud connectivity

a full-featured SCADA/HMI software run on Windows system, it supports almost all the popular PLC device and can be used as an OPC server, a Modbus/ModbusTCP slave or a Bacnet/IP gateway.
xArrow can meet the requirements from single-user applications to complex Client/Server applications with redundancy, and user can use Android phone to browse the project.
Smart Field Instruments for process interface

for prcess automation projects we select,order ,supply & commission vaiour field instruments like vortex flowmeter ,coriollis massflowmeter, Differential Pressure Transmitter ,pressure transmitters .
Using 4 to 20 ma anaolog outputs along with HART protocols for easy communication to controller
Control Panels having plc , vfd & servo drives

We supply control panels for various application that connect the machine to the IOT
Engineering services
Engineering services start at the very beginning of the projects where we try to understand the clients idea of the automaton to eradicate the challenge they are facing be it chiller monitory ,or furnace monitoring or andon on the conveyor line.
Then we discuss and suggest and discuss and present the automation solution from proposal to execution all through our team