
Faridabad smartcity Water SCADA

Water Scada project involves to monitor the city wide water distribtuion in the faridabad city. its made possible by connecting 95 number of remote sites including renny well,MBS,SBS & IBS .Water distribution in faridabad city is mainly divided into 7 line .Each line have renny well ,MBS,SBS & IBS stages of water pumping .the flow of water in all these stages is being monitored in realtime using sophisticated field instruments from Endress & hauser .Flowmeters pressure transmitters ,Level transmiters are mounted at remote sites to monitor the amount of water being distributed in various lines .

water monitoring using remote PLC ,flowmeter & SCADA

The operations of pumping is also monitored .Locally at all 95 sites mitsubishi PLC along with analog inputs are installed with the GSM modems .The water data is captured by the mitsubishi PLC & energy used data is captured using energy meter connected to PLC via modbus protocol.

Mitsubishi modems using M2M , SIM cards are sent to ICCC using TCP-IP protocol .

The remote panels have a local touchscreen display to show the data collected & energy data before its transmitted to ICCC.

All the instruments ,PLC ,modems are powered by a Online Eaton UPS with external batteries to enable the whole operations to be monitored unaffected by power failure for few hours.


Renny well is starting of the water distribution ,Its a deep well in which 4 submersible pumps of 30kw each are installed to draw water from earth near the yamuna river.

water in the distribution line is pumped through this location ,totally there are 22 rennywell divided into 7 water distribution lines.


Boosting stations have a purpose to boost the flow and pressure of water in long pipelines .Here high capacity motor on pumps about 10 to 12 numbers are installed to pump water in long distance and large diameter pipeline to reach city about 20 to 30km away.The motors of 100+kw are used at this facility.all the water flow is measured through flowmeters ,the pipeline pressure is also monitored with local PLC panel.

touch screen

all remote stations have local touchscreen display where all the operations of the flowmeter of water supply and distribution are monitored ,apart from the flow meter operations the level of water in the storage tank,the pressure output of the pump motors are also monitored in the local HMI display

plc panel

Remote PLC panel

Mitsubishi Fx5u Series PLC is used in the remote terminal unit .PLC using digital inputs ,analog inputs ,modbus port to capture pwer data over modbus protocol .built in ethernet port to share the captured data of flow,pressure,level,power to local hmi and to ICCC using GSM modem.

Mitsubishi Genesys 64 Advanced Scada software is hosted at ICCC govt facility where all 95 sites data is monitored and stored for realtime and historical observation.SCADA is hosted on Dell poweredge server having 132GB RAM SAS harddisk with 12GB/sec bandwidth & 40 core CPU.

SQL server 2022 with 16 core is used to backup the data for almost 5 years backup.

genesys scada

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